Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Terribly Hurt

This is a sad+angry+ashamed entry.
If YOU read this, please understand with all your heart.

You are everything to me.
You makes the world a better place to live in.

But then it all change now.

And I am hurt by your words, your voice, your gesture.
Undeniably, enveloped by your fury and clouded your judgement.
I don't understand why it has to be that way.
Did I not try? Did I not try many times?
Why can't you be a calmer person?
Why can't you think before you say things?
Am I not worth your respect?
Am I not everything to you?
Am I??


anak hamzah said...

wasap nih badak?
nape semacam je entry ko neh?
sabar bnyk2 tau (walaupon aku x paham sgt jln citer nye)..
hati org kita x leh duga

yam^Artfingers^ said...

she: I am doing my very2 best to see the best things in anybody. But somehow, some people don't have that kind of ability.

Mawar said...

biasela yam,..aku pon dah byk kali terluke ngan prangai org yg tak paham bahase ni,..

yam^Artfingers^ said...

hrmmhh...reality kan...n we cannot expect everybody to be like us. too bad.