Thursday, February 25, 2010


Yesterday.. I met someone who gave me the kind of advice I need so much right now. She's my agent. The one who introduced me to this job. Very practical advice. She made all the way from KLCC, her  office to my office area in Damansara. Well, yeah, its not really far without the traffic jam. But if you don't have the heart, you won't even visit friends living in the next road of yours, isn't it??

So, since after I met her, I've been doing a lil bit of soul searching. What exactly that I want to be? What career path do I really really really want? What kind of lifestyle?

You see, many of us, would answer MONEY as the simplest motivation to work. But, is it all? Don't you want to have a much loved-fulfilling career? I feel like I'm missing some parts in my career right now. I'm not sure what. Is it that it doesn't really match my personality? Maybe that is why I don't feel satisfied with my job for the past couple of years. Maybe?

Is it??? I still not really sure. Is secretarial all that I can do? I wonder. Hrmhh...

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