Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Still Low??Schweeet!!

I hate the scent of hospital.You know that sanitized scent. Usually made of Dettol vapour. This morning, when I walked into my office lobby, it was all around me.Felt a little bit dizzy, suffocated. We had another case of H1N1 this week. So nurses was stationed at every floor entrance. All must be declared fit before entering the work area, including the visitors. Disease..GO AWAY!

To support health awareness among staffs, the Company organized a health check, from weight to cholestrol level in blood was checked. The most fit person will be given a special prize tomorrow. I'm a confirmed failure. In a positive note, I have a reason to stuffed myself with sweet goodness! My blood sugar level was low, even after I had my breakfast and lunch and three big glass of sweetened drinks. I wonder why? But then, CUPCAKES, CHOCOLATES, CAKES, I come! yeay!


:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

owh goshhhh...H1N1 2nd wave striking in...kat sini pon dah byk case jugak...but not as much as the 1t strike...
whatever it is, u take care doll! :D

yam^Artfingers^ said...

yeah u too dear:)

Can't wait for this 'perfume' to go awaY!