Monday, June 14, 2010


I am a lonely wife these days...

No Superman is not abandoning me. He left me with love(and money,lol!). He left me for work. So I have to be strong and cherish the fact that he's doing it for us. Suddenly our condo feels so empty.The echo of water drippings became louder than ever. When he was around I sometimes feel I need my ME time. Now that he's away, it feels wierd. Nobody to fight the remote control with. Nobody to tickle. Nobody to hug before I fell asleep. I couldn't hear his loud snore. Very wierd emptiness. Last night was the first night I slept there alone:(

I miss you SUPERMAN!!

Maybe this is a good time for swimming sessions after work? Or getting sweaty in the office gym?There's no rush to go back home, except for my favourite TV series:)

Okay I don't want this somber mood of mine gets in the way of my duty. Focus Mariam!!


butterfleet said...

be independence......hidup perlu ade latih tubi gitu :P jangan merengek jer...busan~ dtg BV terjun kolam umah azea tu :P huhu

yam^Artfingers^ said...

kalau umah azea tu dekat...aku tade hal datang anytime umah aku pon ade swimming pool best.heheh mehle datang umah aku pulak:)